Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday Friday Friday!!!!!

It's my third Friday here and the work is beginning!

As part of the Journalism program, we were assigned two (short) writing assignments. One is a piece about yourself and the other is a paper on Discovering DC. They were, once again, short assignments, but that wasn't the work I was talking about.

One of the major educational points of the Washington Semester Program (WSP) is that you will be holding an internship while you're enrolled in the program. The Program and your professors will facilitate your search for an internship, but it is ultimately up to you to find an interview.

You may be thinking "WHAT!?!? I HAVE TO FIND MY OWN INTERNSHIP?" Simply put, Yes. The Program has many resources available to help the students find internships like the internship bazar, the internship portal website, and countless contacts that your professors may have. But, by finding your own internship you learn job hunting skills! You're a grown-up now :)

I had two interviews yesterday that went rather well. I'm pretty sure I already have the internship lined up, but still waiting for the official response.

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